All indicators (1192)

Malaria confirmed cases ratio

Confirmed malaria cases by total malaria cases (clinical and confirmed).

IPT2 utilization

Percentage of clients receiving IPT1 also receiving IPT 2. IPT2/IPT1 x 100%

Low birth weight rate (% live births <2500g)

  Safe Delivery
The rate of live births that have low birth weight (under 2500g).

Low birth weight rate (% live births <2500g)

  Essential Services Indicators
The rate of live births that have low birth weight (under 2500g).

Patients started on ARVs

  ART services

Enrolled and eligible but not started on ART

  HIV care and treatment-MOH 711

DPT/Hep+HiB3 dropout rate

The rate of children immunised for DPT1 (Penta 1) not turning up for DPT3 (Penta 3).

DPT/Hep+HiB3 dropout rate

  NVIP Scorecard
The rate of children immunised for DPT1 (Penta 1) not turning up for DPT3 (Penta 3).

Measles-rubella dropout rate

The rate of DPT3 immunized children not turning up for Measles (all under 1 year). A negative rate means more children are immunized for Measles than DPT3. Measures performance of the EPI program.

Measles-rubella dropout rate

  NVIP Scorecard
The rate of DPT3 immunized children not turning up for Measles (all under 1 year). A negative rate means more children are immunized for Measles than DPT3. Measures performance of the EPI program.

HIV+ pregnant women received ARV for PMTCT

  Integrated Scorecard
Percentage of HIV-infected pregnant women who received antiretroviral prophylaxis for PMTCT

HIV+ pregnant women received ARV for PMTCT

Percentage of HIV-infected pregnant women who received antiretroviral prophylaxis for PMTCT

HIV+ pregnant women received ARV for PMTCT

  BNA Tracer Indicators
Percentage of HIV-infected pregnant women who received antiretroviral prophylaxis for PMTCT

HIV+ test rate - PMTCT-Maternity

  MOH731-2 PMTCT
No. of advanced HIV infections newly enrolled.

HIV+ test rate - PMTCT-Maternity

  HIV tests
No. of advanced HIV infections newly enrolled.

Total deliveries in facilities

  Safe Delivery
Total deliveries as the sum of deliveries normal and complicated reported on 711

Caesarean section rate

  Safe Delivery
Percentage of deliveries that were through caesarean sections

Still birth rate

  Safe Delivery

Still birth rate


PMTCT updake among ANC clients

  MOH731-2 PMTCT
Of all the new ANC clients, how many are tested for HIV (%).

HIV+ - PMTCT-ANC Prevalence

  MOH731-2 PMTCT
Of all the ANC clients tested for HIV, how many test are positive (%).

HIV+ - PMTCT-ANC Prevalence

  HIV tests
Of all the ANC clients tested for HIV, how many test are positive (%).

Family Planning New Cases

  Family Planning

Family Planning New Cases

  Family Planning Attendance

Family Planning Revisits

  Family Planning

Family Planning Revisits

  Family Planning Attendance

BCG Wastage Rate

Opening stock + Received Stock -balance stock- Children Vaccinated=Doses Wasted Divide by Opening stock + Received Stock

Measles Wastage Rate

Opening stock +Received stock -Stock balance -Children vaccinated= Wastage Divide by Total vaccines received

OPV Wastage Rate

Opening Stock+Received Stock-Balance in stock-Total children vaccinated=Wastage Divide by Total vaccines received in stock

DPT/HIB/HEP B Wastage Rate

Opening Stock+Received stock-Balance Stock - Children vaccinated=Wastage Divide By Total Vaccine received in stock

Pneumococal Wastage Rate (WR)

  Immunization Logistics

Vitamin A Wastage Rate

Opening stock +received Stock-Balance stock -doses given = Wastage Divide by Opening stock +Received Stock

Extra Pulmonary TB

  TB Services

TB Re-treatment rate

  TB Services

TB curative Rate

  TB Services
Smear -ve at the end of treatment /Total evaluated

Percentage Bed Occupancy

  Hospital Administrative
OBD / ABD* 100

Percentage Bed Occupancy

OBD / ABD* 100

Bed Occupancy Rate


Bed Occupancy Rate

  Essential Services Indicators

Available Bed Days - Medical Ward Male

  Hospital Administrative

Total number of children under 5 years who are weighed

  Child Health
Total number of Children under five years who are weighed during growth monitoring

HIV+ test rate - PMTCT -ANC

  MOH731-2 PMTCT

HCT Couples Discordancy Rate-MOH731

  FP Commodities Couple Year Protection
[HV01-09] / [HV01-05]

PMTCT Positivity at ANC

  MOH731-2 PMTCT
([HV02-05] + [HV02-06]) / [Integrated RH, HIVAIDS, Malaria, TB & Nutrition: ANC / PMTCT; New ANC clients]

PMTCT Positivity at ANC

  Integrated Scorecard
([HV02-05] + [HV02-06]) / [Integrated RH, HIVAIDS, Malaria, TB & Nutrition: ANC / PMTCT; New ANC clients]

PMTCT ARV Prophylaxis Rate (Mother)

  MOH731-2 PMTCT
[HV02-17] / [HV02-09]

PMTCT ARV Prophylaxis Rate (Mother)

[HV02-17] / [HV02-09]

PMTCT ARV Prophylaxis Rate (Infant)

  MOH731-2 PMTCT
[??????? ] / [HV02-32]

PMTCT ARV Prophylaxis Rate (Infant)

[??????? ] / [HV02-32]

PMTCT ARV Prophylaxis Rate (Infant)

  Integrated Scorecard
[??????? ] / [HV02-32]

PMTCT ARV Prophylaxis Rate (Infant)

  Scorecard Indicators
[??????? ] / [HV02-32]

PMTCT ARV Prophylaxis Rate (Infant)

  BNA Tracer Indicators
[??????? ] / [HV02-32]

PMTCT Prophylaxis Ratio - NVP Only

  MOH731-2 PMTCT
[HV02-13] / [HV02-17]

PMTCT Prophylaxis Ratio - (AZT+SdNVP)

  MOH731-2 PMTCT
[HV02-14] / [HV02-17]

PMTCT Prophylaxis Ratio - Interrupted HAART

  ART services
[HV02-15] / [HV02-17]

PMTCT Prophylaxis Ratio - Interrupted HAART

  MOH731-2 PMTCT
[HV02-15] / [HV02-17]

PMTCT Prophylaxis Ratio - Treatment HAART (ART)

  ART services
[HV02-16] / [HV02-17]

PMTCT Prophylaxis Ratio - Treatment HAART (ART)

  MOH731-2 PMTCT
[HV02-16] / [HV02-17]

PMTCT Positivity Infants

  MOH731-2 PMTCT
[HV02-32] / [HV02-28]

PMTCT Positivity Infants

  Integrated Scorecard
[HV02-32] / [HV02-28]

PMTCT Positivity Infants

  BNA Tracer Indicators
[HV02-32] / [HV02-28]


  MOH731-2 PMTCT
([HV02-33] + [HV02-34]) / [HV02-36]


  Integrated Scorecard
([HV02-33] + [HV02-34]) / [HV02-36]


  MOH731-2 PMTCT
[HV02-35] / [HV02-36]


  Integrated Scorecard
[HV02-35] / [HV02-36]

C&T Proportion receiving CTX

[HV03-07] / [HV03-19]

C&T ART Retention Rate

  ART services
[HV03-46] / [HV03-45]

C&T ART Retention Rate

[HV03-46] / [HV03-45]

C&T ART Retention Rate

  Integrated Scorecard
[HV03-46] / [HV03-45]

C&T ART Retention Rate

[HV03-46] / [HV03-45]

C&T ART Retention Rate

  BNA Tracer Indicators
[HV03-46] / [HV03-45]

C&T TB Screening Rate

[HV03-54] / [HV03-73]

PEP Sexual Assault

  Integrated Scorecard
[HV05-10] + [HV05-11]

HIV+ test rate - VCT

  HIV tests
Percentage of HIV+ tests among total tested for HIV at VCT.

HIV+ test rate - DTC outpatients

  HIV tests
Percentage of HIV+ tests among total tests at DTC outpatient.

HIV+ test rate - DTC inpatients

  HIV tests
Percentage of HIV+ tests among total HIV tests at DTC inpatients.

WRA ANC Receiving Iron

  Nutrition Indicators

WRA ANC Receiving folate

  Nutrition Indicators

Fresh still Birth Rate

  Safe Delivery

Fresh still Birth Rate


Fresh still Birth Rate

  BNA Tracer Indicators

Number of Women of reproductive age (WRA) receiving family planning (FP) commodities

  Family Planning
Number of Women of reproductive age (WRA) receiving family planning (FP) commodities

Number of Women of reproductive age (WRA) receiving family planning (FP) commodities

  Scorecard Indicators
Number of Women of reproductive age (WRA) receiving family planning (FP) commodities

Number of Women of reproductive age (WRA) receiving family planning (FP) commodities

  Draft Kenya RMNCAH Scorecard
Number of Women of reproductive age (WRA) receiving family planning (FP) commodities

TB cases detected Total

  TB Services

TB cases detected Total

  Essential Services Indicators

Smear positive TB Total

  TB Services

Smear negative TB Total

  TB Services

Deaths and discharges Total

  Service Workload

OPD attendance - total male (717)

  Out Patient
Total OPD attendance for male. Based on MoH 717, service workload data.

OPD attendance - total male (717)

  Service Workload
Total OPD attendance for male. Based on MoH 717, service workload data.

Male Condom Dispensed

  FP Commodities DIspensed

Female Condom Dispensed

  FP Commodities DIspensed

Emergency Pill Dispensed

  FP Commodities DIspensed

IUCD Copper T Dispensed

  FP Commodities DIspensed

Implants Dispensed

  FP Commodities DIspensed

Injectables Dispensed

  FP Commodities DIspensed

Progestin only Pills Dispensed

  FP Commodities DIspensed

Combined contraceptive Pills Dispensed

  FP Commodities DIspensed

Combined Contraceptive Pills Ending Balance

  FP Commodities Ending Balance

Emergency Pills Ending Balance

  FP Commodities Ending Balance

Female Condom Ending Balance

  FP Commodities Ending Balance

Implants Ending Balance

  FP Commodities Ending Balance

Injectables Ending Balance

  FP Commodities Ending Balance

IUCD Copper T Ending Balance

  FP Commodities Ending Balance

Male Condom Ending Balance

  FP Commodities Ending Balance

Progestin only Pills Ending Balance

  FP Commodities Ending Balance

IP - Average Length of Stay

  IP Ward Level
Average number of days a patient stays in the inpatient ward. Based on ward-level data from hospitals and other inpatient facilities. The type of ward providing the service is indicated by the orgunit capturing the data.

IP - Turn over interval

  IP Ward Level
Average number of days a bed remains vacant between discharge and admission to the bed during a period. Based on ward-level data from hospitals. The type of ward providing the service is indicated by the orgunit capturing the data.

IP - Crude Death Rate

  IP Ward Level
Number of deaths per admissions. Based on ward-level data from hospitals and other inpatient facilities. The type of ward providing the service is indicated by the orgunit capturing the data.

IP - Vacant Beds

  IP Ward Level
Average number of beds vacant per day. Based on ward-level data from hospitals and other inpatient facilities. The type of ward providing the service is indicated by the orgunit capturing the data.

PNC Attendance 1st Visit

  Integrated Scorecard

PNC Attendance 1st Visit

  Post Natal Care

ANC Partners Tested among New ANC Clients Coverage

  HSSF Coverage and Performance

Stabilisation Center death rate - Nutrition

  Nutrition Indicators
This indicator monitors the number of deaths in the inpatient IMAM programme against the sphere standards

OTP Recovery Rate- Nutrition

  Nutrition Indicators

OTP Recovery Rate- Nutrition

  Nutrition Indicator Scorecard

OTP Death Rate- Nutrition

  Nutrition Indicators

OTP Default rate - Nutrition

  Nutrition Indicators

OTP Default rate - Nutrition

  Nutrition Indicator Scorecard

SFP Death Rate- Nutrition 6-59 months

  Nutrition Indicators

SFP Default Rate- Nutrition 6-59months

  Nutrition Indicator Scorecard

Percentage of Children under 5 years attending Child Welfare Clinics for growth monitoring for the first time in the calendar year

  Child Health
Number of Children under 5 years attending Child Welfare Clinics for growth monitoring (new cases)

Percentage of Children under 5 years attending Child Welfare Clinics for growth monitoring for the first time in the calendar year

  Nutrition Indicators
Number of Children under 5 years attending Child Welfare Clinics for growth monitoring (new cases)

Percentage of Children under 5 years attending Child Welfare Clinics for growth monitoring for the first time in the calendar year

  Nutrition Indicator Scorecard
Number of Children under 5 years attending Child Welfare Clinics for growth monitoring (new cases)

Available Bed Days= Medical Ward Female

  Hospital Administrative

Available Bed Days= Maternity ward

  Hospital Administrative

Available Bed Days= Labour Ward

  Hospital Administrative

Available Bed Days= paediatric ward

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Medical ward Male

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Medical ward Female

  Hospital Administrative

Available Bed Days= Nursery/Newborn Ward

  Hospital Administrative

Available Bed Days -Surgical Ward

  Hospital Administrative

Available Bed Days -Surgical Ward Male

  Hospital Administrative

Available Bed Days -Surgical Ward Female

  Hospital Administrative

Available Bed Days -Gynaecology Ward

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Maternity Ward

  Hospital Administrative

Available Bed Days -Orthopaedic ward

  Hospital Administrative

Available Bed Days -Isolation ward

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Labour Ward

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Paediatric Ward

  Hospital Administrative

Available Bed Days -Psychatric ward

  Hospital Administrative

Available Bed Days -Amenity Ward

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Nursery/Neonatal Ward

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Surgical Ward

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Surgical Female

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Surgical Male

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Gynacology Ward

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Orthopaedic Ward

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Isolation Ward

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Psychastric Ward

  Hospital Administrative

ALOS-Eye Ward

  Hospital Administrative

Available Bed Days -Eye Ward

  Hospital Administrative

Total <5years who are Underweight

  Nutrition Indicators

Total New <5years who are weight

  Nutrition Indicators

Total <5years who are Stunted

  Nutrition Indicators

Total Cildren 6-59Months Issued Vit A

  Nutrition Indicators

Total PTB- case tested for HIV

  TB Case FInding

Total PTB- case tested HIV +

  TB Case FInding

Total EPTB case tested for HIV

  TB Case FInding

Total EPTB case tested HIV +

  TB Case FInding

Total TB case tested HIV +

  TB Case FInding

PTB+ out of total TB cases

  TB Case FInding

PTB+ HIV+ out of Tested PTB+

  TB Case FInding

Total Male All New PTB+ Tested

  TB Case FInding

Total Male All New PTB+ HIV+

  TB Case FInding

Total Female All New PTB+ HIV+

  TB Case FInding

Total TB cases detected

  TB Services

Total Female MDR DR TB cases

  TB Case FInding

Total Female MDR DR TB cases

  MDR Indicators

Total Male Mono DR TB cases

  TB Case FInding

Total New PTB- Male

  TB Case FInding

Total New PTB- Female

  TB Case FInding

Total New EPTB Male

  TB Case FInding

Total New EPTB Female

  TB Case FInding

Total tested for HIV (PTB+)

  TB Case FInding

Total tested for HIV (PTB-)

  TB Case FInding

Total tested for HIV (EPTB)

  TB Case FInding

Number MDR-TB tested for HIV

  MDR Indicators

Number MDR-TB tested HIV+

  MDR Indicators

Total PDR TB tested for HIV

  TB Case FInding

Total PDR TB tested HIV+

  TB Case FInding

Total MDR TB tested for HIV

  TB Case FInding

Total MDR TB tested for HIV

  MDR Indicators

Total MDR TB tested HIV+

  TB Case FInding

Total MDR TB tested HIV+

  MDR Indicators

Proportion of Maternal death audited

  Safe Delivery
Proportion of maternal deaths reviewed

Proportion of Maternal death audited

  Draft Kenya RMNCAH Scorecard
Proportion of maternal deaths reviewed

Malaria positivity rate (MEW)

  Malaria Early Warning Data (MEWs)
Malaria positivity rate (Malaria Early Warning)

% Blind due to Cataract

  Ophthalmic Services

% Blind due to Glaucoma

  Ophthalmic Services

% Diabetes screened

  Ophthalmic Services

% Diabetes screened

  BNA Tracer Indicators

Total Entropion Surgeries

  Ophthalmic Services

Total Ophthalmia Neonatorum

  Ophthalmic Services

Total Retinoblastoma

  Ophthalmic Services

Total Purulent Conjunctivitis

  Ophthalmic Services

Total Injury eye

  Ophthalmic Services

Total children with squint

  Ophthalmic Services

% Diabetic Retinopathy

  Ophthalmic Services

Cataract Adult >16 years

  Ophthalmic Services

Cataract operation 5-16 years

  Ophthalmic Services

Cataract <5 Years

  Ophthalmic Services


  Ophthalmic Services

% Entropion surgery

  Ophthalmic Services

% Squint Surgery

  Ophthalmic Services

% Retinal Laser Treatment

  Ophthalmic Services

Total women tested(NASCOP)

ANC tests plus Maternity tests

Total number of Patients starting ARVs

  ART services
Total number of patients starting ARVs by WHO stages

Total number of Patients starting ARVs

  HIV care and treatment-MOH 711
Total number of patients starting ARVs by WHO stages

Number of eligible HIV clients on ARVs

  HIV care and treatment-MOH 711
All patients currently on ARVs(pregnant women and others)

Proportion of clients starting ART

  ART services
New clients starting ART divided by total patients on ART

Proportion of clients starting ART

  HIV care and treatment-MOH 711
New clients starting ART divided by total patients on ART

Proportion of clients starting ART

  Integrated Scorecard
New clients starting ART divided by total patients on ART

Total number of new clients enrolled in HIV care

  HIV care and treatment-MOH 711

Total number of new clients enrolled in HIV care

  Essential Services Indicators

Total number of patients currently on ARVs(731)

All the totals for females and males by age group

Total number currently on Cotrimoxazole

Total number of clients currently on CTX according on age groups

Total number currently on Care

All on care

Cohort analysis

Retention at 12 months

%Mothers who received PMTCT ARVs

  HEI Cohort Analysis

%Mothers who received PMTCT ARVs

  Integrated Scorecard

%Mothers who received PMTCT ARVs

  BNA Tracer Indicators

% Active in follow‐up

  HEI Cohort Analysis

% Missing 9 month follow‐up visit

  HEI Cohort Analysis

% Died between 0 and 9 months

  HEI Cohort Analysis

% AB negative at 18 months

  HEI Cohort Analysis

% Died between 0 and 18 months

  HEI Cohort Analysis

Total BCG doses stocked in the month

  Immunization Logistics

Total OPV doses stocked in the month

  Immunization Logistics

Total Measle doses stocked in the month

  Immunization Logistics

Number of inpatients (admissions) Under 5

  Service Workload
Number of inpatients (admissions) Under 5

Number of inpatient (admissions) Over 5

  Service Workload
Number of inpatient (admissions) Over 5


  Service Workload


  Service Workload

EAC ANC first visit


EAC ANC first visit

  Integrated Scorecard

EAC ANC first visit

  Essential Services Indicators

EAC ANC fourth visit


EAC ANC fourth visit

  Integrated Scorecard

EAC ANC HIV test done


EAC Deliveries by skilled birth attendants

  Essential Services Indicators

EAC Delivery Expected


EAC Implants inserted


EAC IUD Inserted


EAC Live birth


EAC Malaria Admission


EAC Malaria Death


EAC PNC before 7 days


EAC PNC before 7 days

  Integrated Scorecard

EAC Stillbirths


EAC Vitamin A dose administered

  Integrated Scorecard

EAC Vitamin A dose administered

  Scorecard Indicators

EAC Vitamin A dose administered

  Essential Services Indicators

EAC Population Total


iHRIS Total Number of Nurses

  iHRIS Human Resources Indicators
This is the total of Nurses as provided by iHRIS

iHRIS Total Number of Clinical Officers

  iHRIS Human Resources Indicators
iHRIS Total Number of Clinical Officers

iHRIS Total Number of Doctors

  iHRIS Human Resources Indicators
Total Number of doctors from iHRIS

IHRIS Total Key Care Cadres

  iHRIS Human Resources Indicators
IHRIS Total Key Care Cadres - doctors, Nurses, Clinical Ofifcers

Infants below 6 months on exclusive breastfeeding

  Essential Services Indicators

Total Infant below 6 month exclusive breastfeed

  Essential Services Indicators

Number of  Maternal deaths audited

  Integrated Scorecard

Total Children Weight 0-6 Months

  Nutrition Indicators

Total Children attending CWC

  Nutrition Indicators

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_TB Patient Packs

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR_ Ending Bal _R/H/E 150/75/275 mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR_ Ending Bal _R/H 150/75 mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR_Ending Bal _R/H/Z 60/30/150 mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR_Ending Bal _R/H/Z 75/50/150 mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR_Ending Bal _R/H 75/50 mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR_Ending Bal _R/H 60/30 mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR_Ending Bal _R/H 60/60 mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR_Ending Bal _Ethambutol 100 mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR_Ending Bal _Ethambutol 400 mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR_Ending Bal _Pyrazinamide 500mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR_Ending Bal _Rifampicin 300mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Omeprazole 20mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Fluoxetine 20mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Carbamazepine 200mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Benzhexol 5mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Haloperidol 5mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Amiloride 5mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Spironolactone 50mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Spironolactone 25mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Prednisolone 5mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Granisentron 3mg inj

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Granisentron 3mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Capreomycin 1gm vial

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Kanamycin 1gm vial

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Prothionamide 250mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Bedaquiline 100mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Linezolid 600mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Delaminid 50mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Clofazimine 100mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_MB Adult Blister

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_MB Child Blister Packs

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_PB Adult Blister Packs

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_PB Child Blister Packs

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Isoniazid 300mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Isoniazid 100mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Pyridoxine 25mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Ending Bal_Pyridoxine 50mg

  TB_ FCDRR Ending Balance

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_TB Patient Packs

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H/Z/E 150/75/400/275 mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H/E 150/75/275 mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H 150/75 mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H/Z 60/30/150 mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H/Z 75/50/150 mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H 75/50 mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H 60/30 mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H 60/60 mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Ethambutol 100 mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Ethambutol 400 mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Pyrazinamide 500mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Rifampicin 300mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Isoniazid 300mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Isoniazid 100mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Isoniazid Syrup 50mg /5ml

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Pyridoxine 25mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Pyridoxine 50mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_MB Adult Blister

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_MB Child Blister Packs

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_PB Adult Blister Packs

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_PB Child Blister Packs

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Capreomycin 1gm vial

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Kanamycin 1gm vial

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Cycloserine 250mg Tablets

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Levofloxacin 250mg Tablets

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Levofloxacin 500mg Tablets

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Prothionamide 250mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Bedaquiline 100mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Linezolid 600mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Delaminid 50mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Clofazimine 100mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Para-aminosalicylic acid 4mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Omeprazole 20mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Fluoxetine 20mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Carbamazepine 200mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Valproic acid (Sodium valproate) 200mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Benzhexol 5mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Haloperidol 5mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Magnesium Tricilicate 500mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Amiloride 5mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Spironolactone 50mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Spironolactone 25mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Prednisolone 5mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Granisentron 3mg inj

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_FCDRR-Qty for resupply_Granisentron 3mg

  TB_FCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_TB Patient Packs

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_R/H/E 150/75/275 mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_R/H 150/75 mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_R/H/Z 60/30/150 mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_TB Patient Packs

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H/Z/E 150/75/400/275 mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_R/H/Z 75/50/150 mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H/E 150/75/275 mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_R/H 75/50 mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_R/H 60/30 mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_R/H 60/60 mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_Ethambutol 100 mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_Ethambutol 400 mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_Pyrazinamide 500mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_Rifampicin 300mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_Isoniazid 300mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-Ending Bal_Isoniazid 100mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-ending bal Prothionamide 250mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-ending bal Bedaquiline 100mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-ending bal Linezolid 600mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-ending bal Delaminid 50mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-ending bal Clofazimine 100mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-ending bal soniazid 300mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-ending bal Isoniazid 100mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-ending bal Pyridoxine 25mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-ending bal Pyridoxine 50mg

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-ending bal MB Adult Blister

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-ending bal MB Child Blister Packs

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-ending bal PB Adult Blister Packs

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB_SCDRR-ending bal PB Child Blister Packs

  TB_SCDRR Ending Balance

TB-Omeprazole 20mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Patient Packs SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_R/H/Z/E 150/75/400/275 mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Fluoxetine 20mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Carbamazepine 200mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_R/H/E 150/75/275 mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Benzhexol 5mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Haloperidol 5mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Magnesium Tricilicate 500mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_R/H 150/75 mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_Amiloride 5mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_Spironolactone 50mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

Tb_R/H/Z 60/30/150 mg SOH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_Spironolactone 25mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_Prednisolone 5mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_Granisentron 3mg inj SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_Granisentron 3mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_MB Adult Blister SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_MB Child Blister Packs SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_PB Adult Blister Packs SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_PB Child Blister Packs SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_Isoniazid 300mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-R/H/Z 75/50/150 mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-R/H 75/50 mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_R/H 60/30 mg SOH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-R/H 60/60 mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Ethambutol 100 mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Ethambutol 400 mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Pyrazinamide 500mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Rifampicin 300mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Capreomycin 1gm vial SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_Isoniazid 100mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Kanamycin 1gm vial SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_Isoniazid Syrup 50mg /5ml SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Cycloserine 250mg Tablets SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Levofloxacin 250mg Tablets SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_Pyridoxine 25mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_Pyridoxine 50mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H 150/75 mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H/Z 60/30/150 mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H/Z 75/50/150 mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H 75/50 mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H 60/30 mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_R/H 60/60 mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Ethambutol 100 mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Ethambutol 400 mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Pyrazinamide 500mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Rifampicin 300mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Isoniazid 300mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Isoniazid 100mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Isoniazid Syrup 50mg /5ml

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Pyridoxine 25mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Pyridoxine 50mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_MB Adult Blister

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_MB Child Blister Packs

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_PB Adult Blister Packs

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_PB Child Blister Packs

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Capreomycin 1gm vial

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Kanamycin 1gm vial

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Cycloserine 250mg Tablets

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Levofloxacin 250mg Tablets

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Levofloxacin 500mg Tablets

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Prothionamide 250mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Bedaquiline 100mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Linezolid 600mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Delaminid 50mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Clofazimine 100mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Para-aminosalicylic acid 4mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Omeprazole 20mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Fluoxetine 20mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Carbamazepine 200mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Valproic acid (Sodium valproate) 200mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Benzhexol 5mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Haloperidol 5mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Magnesium Tricilicate 500mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Amiloride 5mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Spironolactone 50mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Spironolactone 25mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Prednisolone 5mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Granisentron 3mg inj

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB_SCDRR-Qty for resupply_Granisentron 3mg

  TB_SCDRR quantity required for resupply

TB-Levofloxacin 500mg Tablets SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Prothionamide 250mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Bedaquiline 100mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Linezolid 600mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Delaminid 50mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Clofazimine 100mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB-Para-aminosalicylic acid 4mg SoH

  TB_Stock on hand (SoH)

TB_TB Patient Packs MoS

  TB_Months of Stock (MoS)

TB_R/H/E 150/75/275 mg MoS

  TB_Months of Stock (MoS)

MOH 730_Abacavir (ABC) 300mg SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Efavirenz (EFV) 600mg Tabs SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Lamivudine (3TC) 150mg SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) 200/50mg SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Nevirapine (NVP) 200mg SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Tenofovir (TDF) 300mg SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Darunavir (DRV) 600mg SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Etravirine (ETV) 200mg SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Raltegravir (RAL) 400mg SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Ritonavir (RTV) 100mg SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Efavirenz (EFV) 200mg Tabs SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Lamivudine (3TC) liquid 10mg/ml SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Nevirapine (NVP) Susp 10mg/ml SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Darunavir (DRV) 150mg Tabs SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Darunavir (DRV) 75mg Tabs SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Darunavir (DRV) susp 100mg/ml SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Etravirine (ETV) 100mg tabs SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Etravirine (ETV) 25mg tabs SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Raltegravir (RAL) 100mg tabs SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Raltegravir (RAL) 25mg tabs SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Ritonavir (RTV) liquid 80mg/ml SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Cotrimoxazole Suspension 240mg/5ml SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Fluconazole 200mg Tabs SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Amphotericin B 50mg IV Injection SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Acyclovir 400mg Tabs SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Pyridoxine 50mg Tabs SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Pyridoxine 25mg Tabs SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 730_Isoniazid (H) 100mg tabs SoH

  MOH 730_Stock on Hand (SoH)

MOH 729B Total - Adult ART Patients

  MOH 729 ART
MOH 729B Total - Adult ART Patients

MOH 729B Total - Adult PEP

  MOH 729 ART
MOH 729B Total - Adult PEP

MOH 729B Total - PMTCT - Women

  MOH 729 ART
MOH 729B Total - PMTCT - Women

MOH 729B Total - Paediatric ART

  MOH 729 ART
MOH 729B Total - Paediatric ART

MOH 729B Total - Paediatric PEP

  MOH 729 ART
MOH 729B Total - Paediatric PEP

MOH 729B Total - Paediatric PMTCT (Infants)

  MOH 729 ART
MOH 729B Total - Paediatric PMTCT

MOH 729B Total - OIs Universal prophylaxis

  MOH 729 ART
MOH 729B Total - OIs Universal prophylaxis

MOH 729B Total - OIs IPT

  MOH 729 ART
MOH 729B Total - OIs IPT

MOH 729B Total ART Patients

  MOH 729 ART
MOH 729B Total ART Patients

MOH 729B Adult OIs Universal prophylaxis

  MOH 729 ART
MOH 729B Adult OIs Universal prophylaxis

MOH 729B Paediatric - OIs Universal prophylaxis

  MOH 729 ART
MOH 729B Paediatric - OIs Universal prophylaxis

Total BCG doses used in the month

  Immunization Logistics

Total BCG doses wasted in the month

  Immunization Logistics

BCG Wastage Rate (WR)

  Immunization Logistics

Total OPV doses used in the month

  Immunization Logistics

Total OPV doses wasted in the month

  Immunization Logistics

OPV Wastage Rate (WR)

  Immunization Logistics

Total IPV doses stocked in the month

  Immunization Logistics

Total IPV doses used in the month

  Immunization Logistics

Total IPV doses wasted in the month

  Immunization Logistics

IPV Wastage Rate (WR)

  Immunization Logistics

DPT+HIB+HEP B Wastage Rate (WR)

  Immunization Logistics

Funds utilization rate Scorecard

  Facility Score card

Total Admissions (MOH 717)

  Service Workload

Malaria Commodities Results Positive Total

  Malaria Commodities
Malaria Commodities Results Positive Total

Malaria Commodities Results Negative Total

  Malaria Commodities
Malaria Commodities Results Negative Total

Malaria Commodities Results Total Tests(Microscopy)

  Malaria Commodities
Malaria Commodities Results Total Tests(Microscopy)

Malaria Commodities Results Total Tests(RDT)

  Malaria Commodities
Malaria Commodities Results Total Tests(RDT)

Malaria Commodities Results Total Tests

  Malaria Commodities
Malaria Commodities Results Total Tests

Malaria Percentage Positive Rate

  Malaria Commodities
Malaria Percentage Positive

Malaria Percentage Negative Rate

  Malaria Commodities
Malaria Percentage Negative Rate

Number of Pregnant Women receiving TT2 Plus immunization

Number of Pregnant Women receiving TT2 Plus immunization

Total TB cases notified to the national program.

  TB Case Finding Revision 2016

Bacteriologically confirmed TB cases

  TB Case Finding Revision 2016
Number TB cases with a positive result through smear microscopy, culture or Xpert MTB/RIF that were notified.

Total (Pulmonary, clinically diagnosed)

  TB Case Finding Revision 2016
Total (Pulmonary, clinically diagnosed)

Total EPTB cases notified

  TB Case Finding Revision 2016
Total (Extra pulmonary, bacteriological confirmed / clinically diagnosed )

IDSR Cholera Cases

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Cholera Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Dysentry Total

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Measles Total

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Typhoid Total

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Plague Total

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Plague Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Yellow Fever Total

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Yellow Fever Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Neonatal Tetanus Total

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Neonatal Tetanus Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

AEFI Total

  IDSR Indicators

AEFI Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Acute Jaundice Cases

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Acute Jaundice Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Acute Malnutrition Cases

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Acute Malnutrition Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Anthrax Cases

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Anthrax Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Dengue Total

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Dengue Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Guinea Worm Disease Total

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Maternal deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Maternal deaths Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Neonatal deaths Total

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Neonatal deaths Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Rabies Total

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Rabies Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Malaria Cases

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Malaria Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Typhoid Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Dysentry Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Measles Deaths

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Dummy1

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Dummy2

  IDSR Indicators

IDSR Malaria Positivity

  IDSR Indicators

Perinatal Deaths

  Safe Delivery
Total deaths within 7 days of births

% of Perinatal Deaths Audited

  Safe Delivery
Number of of perinatal deaths audited divided by total number of perinatal deaths reported via DHIS2

% of Perinatal Deaths Audited

  Integrated Scorecard
Number of of perinatal deaths audited divided by total number of perinatal deaths reported via DHIS2

Suspected Malaria cases tested

proportion of patients presenting with malaria symptoms (suspected malaria) subjected to a malaria Dx test (RDT or microscopy)

Suspected Malaria cases tested

  Malaria Scorecard Indicators
proportion of patients presenting with malaria symptoms (suspected malaria) subjected to a malaria Dx test (RDT or microscopy)

Propotional of ANC clients with Hb <11g/dl

  Nutrition Indicator Scorecard

Proportion of households visited (%)

  Scorecard Indicators

Proportion of households visited (%)

  Draft Kenya RMNCAH Scorecard

Total Suspected malaria cases (<5Years MoH 705A+>5Years MoH 705B)

Suspected malaria <5yrs ( MoH705A)+ Suspected malaria >5 yrs ( MoH705B)

Total Suspected malaria cases (<5Years MoH 705A+>5Years MoH 705B)

  Malaria Scorecard Indicators
Suspected malaria <5yrs ( MoH705A)+ Suspected malaria >5 yrs ( MoH705B)

Total Confirmed malaria cases (<5Years MoH 705A+>5Years MoH 705B)

Sum ofConfirmed malaria cases (<5Years MoH 705A+>5Years MoH 705B)

Total Confirmed malaria cases (<5Years MoH 705A+>5Years MoH 705B)

  Essential Services Indicators
Sum ofConfirmed malaria cases (<5Years MoH 705A+>5Years MoH 705B)

% of Patients treated with AL as a proportion of confirmed malaria cases.

Patients on AL by weight band summary (aggregate) from Malaria Commodities/ Confirmed malaria cases (aggregate) from MOH 705

% of Patients treated with AL as a proportion of confirmed malaria cases.

  Malaria Scorecard Indicators
Patients on AL by weight band summary (aggregate) from Malaria Commodities/ Confirmed malaria cases (aggregate) from MOH 705

Total Number of Confirmed Malaria cases- IDSR

  Malaria Scorecard Indicators

HV01-03 Total Tested

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17
HV01-03 Total Tested

HV01-01 First Testing

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV01-02 Repeat Testing

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV01-11 Positive| Females - Below 15 year

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV01-10 Positive| Males - Below 15 year

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV01-13 Positive Female 15-24 years

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV01-15 Positive Females 25 years & older

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV01-14 Positive Males 25 years & older

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV01-12 Positive Males 15-24 years

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV02-17 Total PMTCT prophylaxis

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV02-13 Prophylaxis – NVP Only

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV02-14 Prophylaxis – (AZT + SdNVP)

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV02-15 Prophylaxis – Interrupted HAART

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17


  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV02-01 Testing for HIV Antenatal

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV02-05 Known positive status (at entry into ANC)

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV02-06 HIV positive results Antenatal

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV03-36 Currently on ART - Below 15 years

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV03-35 Currently on ART - Below 15 years

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV03-38 Currently on ART - 15 years & older

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV03-37 Currently on ART - 15 years & older

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV03-22 (F) Starting ART - Below 15 years

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV03-21 (M) Starting ART - Below 15 years

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV03-24 (F) Starting ART - 15 years & older

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

HV03-23 (M) Starting ART - 15 years & older

  HIV Care Global Indicators '17

Adolescent pregnancy

  Integrated Scorecard

Adolescent pregnancy

  Outcome Indicators

IDSR Total Malaria Cases

  IDSR Indicators
IDSR Total Malaria Cases

IDSR Total Malaria Tests Performed

  IDSR Indicators
IDSR Total Malaria Tests Performed

OTP Non Recovered - Nutrition

  Nutrition Indicators

SFP Death Rate - Nutrition PLW

  Nutrition Indicators

SFP Cure Rate Nutrition PLW

  Nutrition Indicators

SFP Default Rate Nutrition PLW

  Nutrition Indicators

SFP Non Recovered Rate PLW

  Nutrition Indicators

ALOS Out Patient Nutrition <5years

  Nutrition Indicators

ALOS Out Patient Nutrition <5years

  Nutrition Indicator Scorecard

ALOS Supplementary 6-59 months

  Nutrition Indicators

ALOS Supplimentary Nutrition PLW

  Nutrition Indicators

Stabilisation Centre total admissions

  Nutrition Indicators

OTP total admissions

  Nutrition Indicators

SFP total admissions

  Nutrition Indicators


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment


  KHIS Data Alignment

OPD Total(New +Revisit)

  Out Patient

OPD Total(New +Revisit)

  Essential Services Indicators

(%) of pregnant women who are Adolescents (10-19 years)

Adolescents (10-14yrs + 15-19yrs) presenting with pregnancy divide by total new ANC Clients

(%) of pregnant women who are Adolescents (10-19 years)

  Essential Services Indicators
Adolescents (10-14yrs + 15-19yrs) presenting with pregnancy divide by total new ANC Clients

Inpatient Admission

  Out Patient

Maternal Mortality ratio per 100,000

  Outcome Indicators
Maternal Mortality ratio per 100,000( (a direct measure of obstetric risk) Rate- Maternal deaths divided by the number of births and multiplied by 100,000)

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Abacavir/Lamivudine (ABC/3TC) 600mg/300mg FDCTablets 60s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Abacavir/Lamivudine (ABC/3TC) 600mg/300mg FDCTablets 60s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Abacavir/Lamivudine (ABC/3TC) 600mg/300mg FDCTablets 60s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Abacavir/Lamivudine (ABC/3TC) 120mg/60mg FDC Tablets 30s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparationsAbacavir/Lamivudine (ABC/3TC) 120mg/60mg FDC Tablets 30s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparationsAbacavir/Lamivudine (ABC/3TC) 120mg/60mg FDC Tablets 30s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Dolutegravir(DTG) 50mg tabs 30s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Dolutegravir(DTG) 50mg tabs 30s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Dolutegravir(DTG) 50mg tabs 30s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Efavirenz (EFV) 600mg Tablets 30s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Efavirenz (EFV) 600mg Tablets 30s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Efavirenz (EFV) 600mg Tablets 30s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Lamivudine (3TC) 150mg Tablets 60s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Lamivudine (3TC) 150mg Tablets 60s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Lamivudine (3TC) 150mg Tablets 60s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOH-729B Total Patient NO. on Adult ART 1st Line regimens

  MOH-729B Patient Summary
Total Patient Numbers on Adult ART 1st Line regimens

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) 200/50mg Tablets 120s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) 200/50mg Tablets 120s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) 200/50mg Tablets 120s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Nevirapine (NVP) 200mg Tablets 60s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Nevirapine (NVP) 200mg Tablets 60s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Nevirapine (NVP) 200mg Tablets 60s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Raltegravir (RAL) 400mg Tablets 60s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Raltegravir (RAL) 400mg Tablets 60s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Raltegravir (RAL) 400mg Tablets 60s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Tenofovir (TDF) 300mg Tablets 30s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Tenofovir (TDF) 300mg Tablets 30s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Tenofovir (TDF) 300mg Tablets 30s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Abacavir/Lamivudine (ABC/3TC) 120mg/60mg FDC Tablets 30s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Abacavir/Lamivudine (ABC/3TC) 120mg/60mg FDC Tablets 30s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Abacavir/Lamivudine (ABC/3TC) 120mg/60mg FDC Tablets 30s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Tenofovir/Emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) FDC (300/200mg) Tablets 30s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Tenofovir/Emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) FDC (300/200mg) Tablets 30s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Tenofovir/Emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) FDC (300/200mg) Tablets 30s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Tenofovir/Lamivudine (TDF/3TC) FDC (300/300mg) Tablets 30s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Tenofovir/Lamivudine (TDF/3TC) FDC (300/300mg) Tablets 30s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Tenofovir/Lamivudine (TDF/3TC) FDC (300/300mg) Tablets 30s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Tenofovir/Lamivudine/Efavirenz (TDF/3TC/EFV) FDC (300/300/400mg) FDC Tablets 30s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations enofovir/Lamivudine/Efavirenz (TDF/3TC/EFV) FDC (300/300/400mg) FDC Tablets 30s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations enofovir/Lamivudine/Efavirenz (TDF/3TC/EFV) FDC (300/300/400mg) FDC Tablets 30s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Darunavir (DRV) 150mg Tablets 240s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Darunavir (DRV) 150mg Tablets 240s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Darunavir (DRV) 150mg Tablets 240s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Darunavir (DRV) 75mg Tablets 480s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Darunavir (DRV) 75mg Tablets 480s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Darunavir (DRV) 75mg Tablets 480s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Darunavir (DRV) susp 100mg/ml (200ml Bottles)

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparationsDarunavir (DRV) susp 100mg/ml (200ml Bottles) PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparationsDarunavir (DRV) susp 100mg/ml (200ml Bottles) QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Tenofovir/Lamivudine/Efavirenz (TDF/3TC/EFV) FDC (300/300/600mg) FDC Tablets 30s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Tenofovir/Lamivudine/Efavirenz (TDF/3TC/EFV) FDC (300/300/600mg) FDC Tablets 30s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Tenofovir/Lamivudine/Efavirenz (TDF/3TC/EFV) FDC (300/300/600mg) FDC Tablets 30s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Efavirenz (EFV) 200mg Tablets 90s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Efavirenz (EFV) 200mg Tablets 90s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Efavirenz (EFV) 200mg Tablets 90s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Zidovudine (AZT) 300mg Tablets 60s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Zidovudine (AZT) 300mg Tablets 60s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Zidovudine (AZT) 300mg Tablets 60s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Zidovudine/Lamivudine (AZT/3TC) FDC (300/150mg) Tablets 60s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Zidovudine/Lamivudine (AZT/3TC) FDC (300/150mg) Tablets 60s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Zidovudine/Lamivudine (AZT/3TC) FDC (300/150mg) Tablets 60s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Efavirenz (EFV) 200mg Tablets 90s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparationsEfavirenz (EFV) 200mg Tablets 90sPHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Efavirenz (EFV) 200mg Tablets 90s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Etravirine (ETV) 100mg Tablets 60s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Etravirine (ETV) 100mg Tablets 60s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Etravirine (ETV) 100mg Tablets 60s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Adult preparations Zidovudine/Lamivudine/Nevirapine (AZT/3TC/NVP) FDC (300/150/200mg) Tablets 60s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Zidovudine/Lamivudine/Nevirapine (AZT/3TC/NVP) FDC (300/150/200mg) Tablets 60s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Adult preparations Zidovudine/Lamivudine/Nevirapine (AZT/3TC/NVP) FDC (300/150/200mg) Tablets 60s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Lamivudine (3TC) liquid 10mg/ml (240ml Bottles)

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Lamivudine (3TC) liquid 10mg/ml (240ml Bottles) PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Lamivudine (3TC) liquid 10mg/ml (240ml Bottles)QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) 100/25mg Tabs 60s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) 100/25mg Tabs 60s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) 100/25mg Tabs 60s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Ethambutol 400mg Tab (for Pack of 28 tabs) 28s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Ethambutol 400mg Tab (for Pack of 28 tabs) 28s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Ethambutol 400mg Tab (for Pack of 28 tabs) 28s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Isoniazid (H) 100mg Tablets 100s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS TB/ HIV DRUGS Isoniazid (H) 100mg Tablets 100s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Isoniazid (H) 100mg Tablets 100s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) liquid 80/20mg/ml (60ml Bottles)

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) liquid 80/20mg/ml (60ml Bottles) PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) liquid 80/20mg/ml (60ml Bottles) QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Isoniazid (H) 10mg/ml (120ml Bottles) 120ml Bottle

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Isoniazid (H) 10mg/ml (120ml Bottles) 120ml Bottle PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Isoniazid (H) 10mg/ml QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Isoniazid (H) 300mg Tabs (for Pack of 100 tabs) 100s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Isoniazid (H) 300mg Tabs (for Pack of 100 tabs) 100s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Isoniazid (H) 300mg Tabs (for Pack of 100 tabs) 100s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Isoniazid (H) 300mg Tabs (for Pack of 672 tabs) 672s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Isoniazid (H) 300mg Tabs (for Pack of 672 tabs) 672s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Isoniazid (H) 300mg Tabs (for Pack of 672 tabs) 672s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Nevirapine (NVP) Susp 10mg/ml (100 ml Bottles)

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Nevirapine (NVP) Susp 10mg/ml (100 ml Bottles) PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Nevirapine (NVP) Susp 10mg/ml (100 ml Bottles)QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Pyrazinamide 500mg Tab (for Pack of 28 tabs) 28s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Pyrazinamide 500mg Tab (for Pack of 28 tabs) 28s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Pyrazinamide 500mg Tab (for Pack of 28 tabs) 28s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Pyridoxine 25mg Tabs 100s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Pyridoxine 25mg Tabs 100s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Pyridoxine 25mg Tabs 100s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Pyridoxine 50mg Tablets 100s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Pyridoxine 50mg Tablets 100s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Pyridoxine 50mg Tablets 100s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Rifabutin 150mg Tab 30s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Rifabutin 150mg Tab 30s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 TB/ HIV DRUGS Rifabutin 150mg Tab 30s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Ritonavir liquid 80mg/ml (90ml Bottles)

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparationsRitonavir liquid 80mg/ml (90ml Bottles) PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Ritonavir liquid 80mg/ml (90ml Bottles) QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Zidovudine (AZT) liquid 10mg/ml (240ml Bottles)

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Zidovudine (AZT) liquid 10mg/ml (240ml Bottles) PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Zidovudine (AZT) liquid 10mg/ml (240ml Bottles)QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Zidovudine/Lamivudine (AZT/3TC) FDC (60/30mg) Tablets 60s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Zidovudine/Lamivudine (AZT/3TC) FDC (60/30mg) Tablets 60s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Zidovudine/Lamivudine (AZT/3TC) FDC (60/30mg) Tablets 60s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Zidovudine/Lamivudine/Nevirapine (AZT/3TC/NVP) FDC (60/30/50mg) Tablets 60s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Zidovudine/Lamivudine/Nevirapine (AZT/3TC/NVP) FDC (60/30/50mg) Tablets 60s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Paediatric preparations Zidovudine/Lamivudine/Nevirapine (AZT/3TC/NVP) FDC (60/30/50mg) Tablets 60s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Medicines for OIs Acyclovir 400mg Tablets 30s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Medicines for OIs Acyclovir 400mg Tablets 30s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Medicines for OIs Acyclovir 400mg Tablets 30s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Medicines for Ols Amphotericin B 50mg IV Injection 1vial

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Medicines for OIs Amphotericin B 50mg IV Injection 1vial PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Medicines for OIs Amphotericin B 50mg IV Injection 1vial QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Medicines for OIs Cotrimoxazole 960mg Tablets 100s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Medicines for OIs Cotrimoxazole 960mg Tablets 100s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Medicines for OIs Cotrimoxazole 960mg Tablets 100s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Medicines for OIs Cotrimoxazole suspension 240mg/5ml 100ml bottle

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Medicines for OIs Cotrimoxazole suspension 240mg/5ml 100ml bottle PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Medicines for OIs Cotrimoxazole suspension 240mg/5ml 100ml bottle QUANTITY ISSUED

MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 Medicines for OIs Fluconazole 200mg Tablets 100s

  MOS-MoH 730A Revision 2017 commodities
MoH 730A +730B Revision 2017 Medicines for OIsFluconazole 200mg Tablets 100s PHYSICAL COUNT divided by MoH 730B Revision 2017 Medicines for OIs Fluconazole 200mg Tablets 100s QUANTITY ISSUED

MOH-729B Total Number Adult PEP

  MOH-729B Patient Summary

MOH-729B Total no. PEP for Adults

  MOH-729B Patient Summary

MOH-729B Total no.PEP for Children

  MOH-729B Patient Summary